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Afro City Latest Articles

6 Best Lesser Known Cities for Africans to Live in China

6 Best Lesser Known Cities for Africans to Live in China

For the Afro community in China, finding the right city to settle in is about more than just job opportunities; it’s about community, culture, and connection. While cities like Guangzhou and Beijing are well-known among African expats, there are lesser-known ...

6 Top Businesses for Afro Entrepreneurs to Make Money ! Now Vs Then

6 Top Businesses for Afro Entrepreneurs to Make Money ! Now Vs Then

In the past, many African entrepreneurs in China engaged primarily in traditional trading activities, such as exporting textiles, shoes, and low-end electronics back to Africa. The focus was on mass-produced, affordable goods, often sold in African street markets or small ...

China Visa-Free Policy for African Countries, Including Transit Visas

China Visa-Free Policy for African Countries, Including Transit Visas

China’s visa-free policy is an attractive option for international travelers, but for African countries, this opportunity remains limited. While certain passport holders worldwide can benefit from visa exemptions, most African travelers need a visa to visit mainland China. This article ...

Unlocking Yiwu Markets : The Ultimate Guide for Afro Entrepreneurs!

Unlocking Yiwu Markets : The Ultimate Guide for Afro Entrepreneurs!

可能, located in Zhejiang Province, 中国, is renowned for its extensive wholesale markets, making it a prime destination for sourcing export items. For Afro entrepreneurs, finding the right markets to source quality products at competitive prices is crucial. This guide ...

4 Best Budget Friendly Hotels in Wuxi (30$)

4 Best Budget Friendly Hotels in Wuxi (30$)

Looking for a budget-friendly place to crash in Wuxi without sacrificing comfort? Welcome to the “Penny Pincher’s Paradise”—where your wallet gets a break, and you still get a cozy bed. Perfect for the savvy traveler who wants to save on ...



探索苏州充满活力的夜生活 2024: 苏州非洲裔酒吧和夜店, 以其古典园林和丰富的文化历史而闻名, 还培育了繁荣的夜生活场景,以满足不同人群的需求, 包括非洲裔社区. 在 2024, 这 ...



北京非洲美食热点: 皮诺塔吉, 部落花园, 并如此编码, 你在大使馆的文书工作中幸存下来, 现在你的肚子咕咕叫的声音比拉各斯的交通堵塞还要响. 不要害怕! Here are three Afro restaurants that’ll not only fill ...

成都哪里可以办理文件公证: 分步指南

成都哪里可以办理文件公证: 分步指南

如果您居住或访问成都并需要对您的文件进行公证, 本指南将帮助您顺利完成整个过程. 法律通常需要公证, 教育性的, 或商业目的, and knowing where and how to get ...

